OddsPredictor works by rating each team. Each team for season 2014/15 was given the same rating with a difference of two hundred between each division. After each game the teams have a rating gain or rating loss based upon a statistical table. At the end of the season the ratings are carried forward. At the end of the 2017/18 Season the rating differences between English leagues were recalibrated based upon actual performances of promoted and relegated teams.

OddsPredictor looks for better odds on either the home or away result from our bookmaker of choice and recommends to bet or not and level of stake.

Header Tab - guide as to how the predictor is performing and the place to change the user variables.
Teams  Tab  - tabular display of teams ratings progress.
Difference Tab - tabular display of difference between home and away ratings for each team.
Adjust Tab - place to make adjustment to teams ratings due to major events such as administration.
Draw Tab - tabular display of number of draws achieved by each team. 
Data Entry Tab - enter results and bookmaker's odds on this page.
Predictions Tab - view the recommended stakes and predicted teams.
Table Tab - a useful data entry check is to compare this league table with published tables.
Chart Tab - view the Profit, Stake, Bank and Target by week
Graph Tab - a graphic view of the data shown under the Chart Tab
Forecast Tab - displays the likelihood of promotion and relegation for each team
Pools Tab - displays the forecast likelihood of a draw in each match as well as the predicted draws.
Distribution Tab - graphic display of Actual results distribution compared to Forecast.
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